Monday, 23 May 2016

Hello THERE!!!!

First blog post in an awfully long time!

I PROMISE there will be lots more to come over the following few months. 

2016 05 23 10 44 10

The tulips are still going strong

2016 05 23 11 24 32

Is there anything more beautiful than a rose?

I think not.

Friday, 10 April 2015

Early April

The raised bed is blooming wonderfully and the primroses, primula and daisies in the containers look fabulous by the door.
Its really cheery to see these colours everyday as there’s not much more going on in the garden just now. 

Apart from me weeding the borders….. three days its taken and two wheelie bins full.
I’m aching all over after the inertia of the winter! 

1 Daisies in bed

1 DSC 0579

1 ring of primula

1 primula



1 Salix catkin

Salix catkins.  
I’d never really looked at them before.
I mean, really looked. 

1 tulips

The long tulip bed side the path is growing nicely.  

1 red shrub

The Flowering Redcurrant is doing its thing.

Sweetpeas arrived from Sarah Raven.
 I’m growing some plants from seed though this year I’m also buying lots of seedlings too.
Sometimes life is just too short and last year I spent WEEKS in the greenhouse potting on. 

3 Openig sweetpeas

2 Sweetpeas in pot

1 sweetpeas planted

Hoping some of the seeds I collected last year will grow. 

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Planning summer....

Gardening…. over the winter I had no heart for it.
Last year I caught the gardening bug, thought I might have lost it, but no, I loved spending an hour in the greenhouse today.

Firstly clearing the bench.


Unwrapping Sweetpeas seedlings from Sarah Raven.  
Due to circumstances I’m late starting this year, so indulged in a 30% off offer to buy some ready made.
As it were.

Openig sweetpeas

Popping two in a pot.
I have no idea if I do things “correctly” in the garden, I just do what feels right.
Seems to work most of the time.

Sweetpeas in pot

Also planted some seeds we kept from last years crop.
Two months late starting, but as Northumberland is a month behind southern gardens I’m only a month behind.  

Sweetpeas planted

It was so windy this afternoon I was literally holding the greenhouse in place.  You can see its come away from the base.  
Thank goodness I have extra bracing poles and large and strong benches in there.
It was all a little scary.
Over the years all the glass has blown out and been replaced with plastic.  
You’d think being in the valley we’d be sheltered?  
Not a chance, that wind comes straight of Cheviot and through my garden.

Greenhouse moving

Thursday, 17 April 2014

New Home!

Hello!  Welcome to the garden in 2014.


Foxgloves & Poppies now has a new home at



Screen Shot 2014 04 17 at 11 44 56 png

Thursday, 26 December 2013

25-12-2013 Part two

Scabious are still in flower, unbelievable.
This year I discovered winter plants and flowers.
Why had I never heard of these before? 
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Hello to everyone!  So this year I am going to document the gardening year for 2014.
I started last year and this year will be even better.

Dahlia in the greenhouse, cut back and planted into sand.
New section of fence erected and the bins moved.
Room here for new compost bins
These need to go. Simply don’t like them.  Sorry plants!
New fruit trees planted, plans for more black plastic covering under the older bushes, then all will be covered in bark chipping post tree surgeons.
Pink Champney Rose. One of two climbers.
Second rose and honeysuckle.
Roadside verge.  Looking good.
MidWinter Fire in the Top Bed.  Dogwoods looking good - just need to grow!
Bulbs coming through already 
Hazel Trees will be cut back soon.
Serious rearrangement needed here.
Roses taken from RHS of studio and replanted here.
House end are the two Gertrude J roses.
Pruning required! 
Daisies looking good in the old sink byt he back door.
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Friday, 30 August 2013

29th August 2013 House

Honeysuckle and white rose keep flowering with deadheading.

Last of the Daisy patch dug up, seeds from poppies collected and dug over.

Plans for a later flowering Clematis.